To Report Your Child’s Absence:
Any request for a student to be absent must be communicated by a parent to the attendance officer via phone or email. The specific reason, date, and time should be stated.
(914) 769-8311 extension 1507
It is the responsibility of a parent/guardian to ensure their child attends school per the school district calendar. Excessive absences and/or tardiness will result in a parent meeting with a school administrator to address this concern.
Legal excuses for absence include sickness, sickness, or death in the family, excused absence for part of the day, educational trips, impassable roads or weather, approved religious observations not regularly scheduled in the school calendar, quarantine, court appearance, and a doctor’s appointment.
Success in school begins with consistent attendance and punctual arrival to school and class. If a student arrives late to school, they are to enter through the middle school front entrance and report to the greeter’s desk for a late pass. Three or more tardies, in a given quarter, may result in lunch detention, a letter from the school, and a meeting with guidance and administration.